Prototype Viking`s

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Prototype Viking Snowmobiles

These pictures of a Viking Prototype were found about 2004-2005. The pictures were taken on a farm site near Twin Valley, MN known
to be used by Viking for storage and testing grounds. ( The pictures have been cropped to remove the identifiable buildings in the background. )
Parts like the ones used on this sled have surfaced on this property over time as well..

Back in the days when Viking was building snowmobiles, rumor had it that Viking was building a prototype for a snowmobile manufacture
out of Colorado. Yup, Chaparral snowmobiles. Nothing became of it from what I have been told, but that does explain the color,
as Chaparral was using this color. I do know hoods from the same mold, in metal flake Viking colors have surfaced over the years.
Most have surfaced however around Iowa and Nebraska. In 2011 or 2012 one surfaced near Duluth, MN.

I wonder where this sled ever ended up.
